Friday, March 22, 2013


Like tiny little demons
Clutching at my soul,
Like evil hungry spirits
Reaching out for more,
Like angry lustful tempters
Preparing themselves for war,
I am flailing through my life--
Wondering how to free my world
From these urges and constant tremblings,
From these ugly spirits's assemblings,
From this dark and hateful menacing
So I can start to be a blessing.
I yearn to be transformed
To rebuke all that has scorned
And polluted and has torn
The narrow pathway to the Lord.
So I can be a light
And not a darkness and a blight
So I can be mansion
Built on granite
So I can be a blueprint
And on me you can plan it.
And be proud to be my friend
And be glad the time we spend
With great faith, and hope and Love
Until we reach the very end.


I love your comments!