Wednesday, July 15, 2009


"Stop coming in and out of the bath;
you're gunna get sick"
she said as she turned back around
and finished commenting on her facebook.

The little girl is singing in the bath tub
to some Disney song 
whose lyrics have been consolidated into
only 2 or 3 lines repeated without cessation. 

Finally the mother stops and listens.
Nods her head and thinks to herself,
"Is there something I should be doing right now?"
Nah. Oh look another Farm Town gift!

1 comment:

  1. I like the line about how the Disney song is consolidated. That's what my little daughter does too! I can relate to this poem well lately. When I'm blogging, I get caught up in my own thing and miss some kid craziness. Usually they are fights, so maybe it's a good thing that I step away a bit:)


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