Anyway, we brought both disposables and cloth on our trip, and I have to admit that the cloth diapers are just more comfortable for the baby and more effective.
How do I know they are more comfortable? Because the plastic of the disposable was rubbing into her skin along the tops of her legs. She was getting these thin cuts along her thighs and hips. Now you may be thinking that I didn't get the right size, but you'd be wrong. They fit perfectly except that natural movement of her body would cause the thin elastic to bunch and stretch and scrape her legs. Maggie is a chunkier baby (95% in weight), so with the soft cotton of the pre fold, I don't have to worry about that!
How do I know they are more effective? Because when she poops in a cloth diaper it stays IN the diaper and doesn't slide its way up to her back! that only happens when she's wearing a disposable. And there isn't anything worse than baby poop all over your brand new dress!
Needless to say, we used our cloth diapers as much as we could on the trip and only put the disposables on her when the cloths were washing.
That is the downside though--the need to wash, and the kind of stinky stanky-ness in between washes, because there ain't no way around it--cloth diapers are stinkier when they can't be washed as often.
Here are some tips for cloth diapering on the go or on vacation!
1. To be honest cloth diapering on vacation is just like cloth diapering at home EXCEPT that you'll really need to use your wet bag for storage of the soiled diapers instead of your large bin, like at home. So choose a nice big wet bag instead of the small ones that way if ever you need to store more than a couple of diapers, like when on a play date, you'll be prepared for any situation. I have the large planet wise wet diaper bag and it worked really well. But be prepared it does get a little ripe in between washes.
2. Remember to wash/dry diapers before you completely run out of clean diapers. OR bring a few disposables. I use prefolds and diaper covers. (I've used fitteds, all in ones, and disposables, but My stand out favorites are the prefolds and covers. It is an extra step but well worth it to me. Stay tuned for a blog about that very subject soon!) having a couple of diapers on hand at all times is vital! But where do you put them dirty ones when the wet bag is washing!?!? That's why I brought some disposables along too!
3. CLOTH WIPES! That way you can clean the baby and just stick everything in the wet bag, and not have to worry about a separate bag or bin for the wipes. My friend gave me some cloth wipes a while back and here's a link to make you own diaper wipes solution.
Hope this helps!
---->CLICK HERE<----- to read about my initial experiences cloth diapering a newborn!
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