Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lia starts preschool

Depending on Gustav, Lia is scheduled to start Pre-k2 next friday. I'm so incredibly excited. I can't wait. I know its only 4 hours a day and they are going to fly by, but I can't express how much I'm looking forward to those 4 hours. The other parents were saying how sad they were going to be, and I felt slightly out of place with that sentiment because I'm the opposite. I'm relying on those few hours to retain my sanity. lol

Our family has really become involved this summer. We all have our activities that allow us to express ourselves. Lee has his triathlons, Lia has gymboree and now pre-school, and I have BRSO Chorus and my new work out regiment. But there are still things coming up. Still more opportunities. We're praying for success on these new endeavors.

Friday, August 29, 2008

TTWWWIIILLLIIIGGGHHTT: twilight twilight twilight!

i'm sooo addicted to the Twilight series of novels. Not only have I read all of the books, TWICE. I also read and watch everything the internet has to offer on the upcoming movie. Although, I am really disappointed that they've decided to delete/add/change some of the events of the book. I wish the author would have been more stern on the adaptation of her novel. Instead, I'm pretty sure that the movie will be more like: "loosely inspired by the novel Twilight". NONETHELESS, i'm still ECSTATIC!!!! I just looooove Robert Pattinson who is playing Edward Cullen. I think he'll be great. I've decided to provide you with 2 very hilarious twilight spoofs. They'll only be funny if you've read the books. So if you haven't please take a moment to read them and catch up.... do do do do do do do dum dum dum do da do da... that should be enough. And now for your viewing pleasure!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

i think it's apparent that we miss each other

Light as air
But like gentle gravity's pull
Time has shown us where
And how our lives have fared.

Walking separately
Yet we both have remained
the same, although changed
by playing life's game.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Do you have the strength?

Would you have the strength to see someone's email up on the computer screen and NOT read it? Not feel the urge to scan through the intimate thoughts of others?

Or do you think its your right to read b/c if the thoughts were so personal why were they up for anyone to read?

How does this work?

If you ask me, I don't think one should EVER read someone's emails or letters without permission. It is such an invasion. Plus things can get misconstrued. Thats the way wrong assumptions rot the mind. Its ironic that I blog. I allow many personal thoughts to be read by complete strangers, but at least that is my intention. My emails are not intended to be read by anyone other than the addressee.


Saturday, August 09, 2008

All Together now

Its strange how slowly yet intensely life can pass without your awareness. Lately my anxiety has been growing. I didn't realize how intense it had become until it was suddenly relieved today. Just a simple phone call from a friend and a loving visit from my beautiful cousin last night released the mounting pressure. It also hasn't helped that this week has been an endless distraction from life due to the twilight books. I started the first book on Monday. Its saturday night and i'm over half way done the last book. It has been an intense reading week. Unfortunately for my family, when I begin reading it is hard for me to pull myself away, and then I find myself doing nothing but reading. I don't eat. I don't sleep. I just read. I'm thanking God that I'm almost done, and by next week I'll be able to concentrate on Lia the way I should be. I'm feeling better now.