Monday, March 15, 2010

Give me that milk gallon...Back up off me.

At HPC Women last night, our lead pastor Dino spoke because his wife (our regular women's pastor) is on vocal rest for 3 WEEKS! ouch!

Anyway... he came in to learn us something about the differences between men and women.

He preached on how God made us in His image. He made us different. And He blessed those differences. He taught how important it is for our men to feel respected. He spoke how you should only come to your man with a problem if you're expecting him to fix it. This is how their minds work.

Then he went on to speak to the single women in the room. Here's the jist of that sermon:

If you are confident in Christ. If you allow the Holy Spirit to change your man, instead of trying to do it yourself.  If you try to be the best version of Jesus you can be, you won't spend the rest of your life living on "BAYOU SELF!"


  1. That's some good advice. He really gets to the heart of what a person should be focusing on. Thanks Jillien for your prayers and support. It really means so much to me :)

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  4. gucci-shoes-bags4/08/2010 5:06 AM

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