Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm a lucky girl

whoa! Last night i'm shitting a brick thinking that i have a sociology test first thing in the morning and a research paper due in advanced grammar and a lesson that i had to teach in parallelism due in less than a day. And i'm sure you are telling yourself "Jillien, I'm sure that you have been preparing for these assignments." Well my good friends if you know me at all you know that it was 8 PM last night and i still hadnt done a damn thing. No paper [not even a topic for the paper, i swear!], No studying, No lesson. Nothing! so here i go, cram jillien cram time! and i start studying \for the supposed test i had in sociology. I figured since it comes earliest i should prepare for that one. Maybe later that day i'll be able to do my lesson and research paper. So i study until 11 PM and my eyes wont stay open at all. I turn over and look at lee. we are both half asleep and i tell him i think i might write my paper on grammar lol. and i fall asleep

This morning i went to school and discovered there is no test in sociology. and in fact the next test that we will be taking is the final, AND I'm exempt bc i have an A in the course!!! WHAT! who gets that lucky?!? so that struggle is done NOW for the lesson and research paper. Parallelism type type type... Paper bullshit bullshit bullshit.

4:30-2 hours after i had begun- and i've finished both. Take it its not the best paper i've ever written in my life but its pretty damn good. My lesson is also surprisingly suffecient. I have definitions and examples and exercises and I've finished. I'm home free! UNBELIEVABLE. I read the paper over and i see sooo many things i would like to revise but no time left, gotta go.

I go to class, i do my lesson, and when it comes time to turn in my paper and she says as long as you get it in before wednesday, i wont count it late, in case you didnt bring it today or you wanted to fix something. WHAT WHAT WHAT! how do i get so many breaks in one day?! All I can say is that I'm blessed by God, and I'm so incredibly grateful for his constant mercy and blessings. He must really love me, and he knows that i need just a little extra help right now. God is good.

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